Friday, April 27, 2012

the top 25 brands to follow on pinterest

Found this article on The Top 25 Brands to Follow on Pinterest and found it really interesting. I really want Pinterest to stay warm and fuzzy - full of craft, recipe and home decor ideas, and inspirational quotes. I hate it when I see something "for sale" (I would rather do the research and find the product on my own - kind of like a mini treasure hunt) and I loath anything to do with exercise tips on Pinterest - just doesn't seem like the proper place for it if you ask me. But that all being said, there is no denying it that businesses are jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon - some "just because" and others because it works really well with their brand. We have chatted about this a lot at various work functions lately because it is a "hot topic" right now - my work won't all of a sudden appear on Pinterest because it doesn't make any sense but for craft focused businesses and empire builders (i.e. Martha Stewart) it does make sense. Check out the article and let me know how you use Pinterest for work or play! Follow me on Pinterest here!

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