organizer, list writer, event coordinator, blogger and mommy to charlotte & presley
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
25 questions: holiday style
A big thank you to Julie at Peanut Butter Fingers for this fun idea!
25 Questions: Holiday Style
Eggnog or hot chocolate?
Eggnog with rum please and thank you.
Eggnog with rum please and thank you.
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
One main gift and stocking and nothing is wrapped.
One main gift and stocking and nothing is wrapped.
Colored lights on tree/house or white?
Right now we don
Right now we don
Do you hang mistletoe?
No but I saw the most beautiful REAL mistletoe ornament this year that I thought I needed but I couldn't swallow the $30 something price tag.
No but I saw the most beautiful REAL mistletoe ornament this year that I thought I needed but I couldn't swallow the $30 something price tag.
When do you hang your decorations up?
This year we don't have any decorations because we are living in a construction zone but normally definitely before December.
This year we don't have any decorations because we are living in a construction zone but normally definitely before December.
What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
My mom's ham ball.
My mom's ham ball.
Favorite holiday memory as a child?
Always Christmas Eve and getting my brand new PJs.
Always Christmas Eve and getting my brand new PJs.
What is on your Christmas wish list?
A Kobo. Pretty, pretty please!
A Kobo. Pretty, pretty please!
Do you open a gifts on Christmas Eve?
One gift - PJs and a small gift usually.
One gift - PJs and a small gift usually.
How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
With lights and random ornaments that bring tons of memories each year.
With lights and random ornaments that bring tons of memories each year.
Snow? Love it or dread it?
Love it for Christmas!
Love it for Christmas!
Real tree or fake tree?
Do you remember your favorite gift?
Cabbage patch kids when I was a kid and my Uggs and Lug bag as an adult.
Cabbage patch kids when I was a kid and my Uggs and Lug bag as an adult.
What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you?
Spending time with my family.
Spending time with my family.
What is your favorite holiday dessert?
I am usually too full to get to the dessert table but nanaimo bars are a hands-down favourite.
I am usually too full to get to the dessert table but nanaimo bars are a hands-down favourite.
What is your favorite tradition?
My new favorite tradition is church on Christmas Eve with momma Elaine.
My new favorite tradition is church on Christmas Eve with momma Elaine.
What tops your tree?
Do you prefer giving or receiving?
Giving - 100%!
Giving - 100%!
What is your favorite Christmas song?
All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey - no joke!
All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey - no joke!
Candy canes, yuck or yum?
Yummy - only once a year!
Yummy - only once a year!
Favorite Christmas movie?
A Christmas Story.
A Christmas Story.
What do you leave for Santa?
Nothing anymore but watch out Santa when we have kids :)
Nothing anymore but watch out Santa when we have kids :)
Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?
Stockings, breakfast, presents, TV and relaxing. Heaven!
Stockings, breakfast, presents, TV and relaxing. Heaven!
Do you prefer to shop on-line or at the mall?
At the mall!
At the mall!
Christmas letter or Christmas card?
Sadly none this year but either works for me!
Sadly none this year but either works for me!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
charles is proud of his canadian roots
This is my cousin's little guy Charles and they live in California but I know he will grow up knowing he is always welcome to Canada any time he wants to come and visit his Canadian family members!
Monday, December 12, 2011
thanks jimmy!
Jim was super sweet and washed my car yesterday afternoon. This morning I went to get in my car and found the doors frozen solid. Had to climb through my hatchback to start the car and then got myself stuck and locked in until the locks thawed. Is it Friday yet?!

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Right now I am in the process of listening to this audiobook to help me get into the Christmas spirit (this feels like dejavu as this is not my first Christmas book of the year but without snow, it takes a while for it to sink in for me). This is a cute listen - super predictable but gives you warm fuzzy feelings from the relationships that develop throughout the chapters. I have all of my Christmas shopping done and am "THIS" close to having all of the wrapping done too so I have to do something to keep that Christmas vibe going in my life.
This morning I went to the dentist first thing before work and got an "all good" on my teeth. Love that - have not had any issues with them in FOREVER (touch wood) except for teeth grinding and gum erosion which are both works in progress.
I started using a Bible Study app on my iPhone. This will come as a shock to some but reading the bible (regardless of what I believe) is something I have wanted to do for a long time and what better way then in day-by-day chunks using modern technology? Mind you - I am only at the very beginning and already a bit confused and questioning everything so we will see where this process goes in the New Year.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
i am SO ready for a break!
The true reason that I am so totally, completely and 100% ready for my 2 week and 2 day break over the holidays? If someone continues to ask you questions but they really do not care to hear your answers or give you credit for the inspiration they get from your answer - wouldn't you want to run away to? I am at that point where little things are annoying me for no good reason, I am questioning everything and not coming up with any answers that make sense and I am losing the focus that I need to be great at what I do. Bring on 2012 with a clean slate - can't wait to see what the New Year brings! (Unfortunately though, most people don't/won't change so it is up to me to get everything back on track - wish me luck!)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I am currently listening to this audiobook in my car and it is so good! Can't wait to find out how they catch the real killer.

On a recent visit to Target I saw this movie for $5.00. I have never seen or heard of this before but I cannot wait to watch it soon. I LOVE Cousin Eddie.
Chad and I are currently watching Season 5 of Dexter. Only 3 episodes in and it is so good!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
first draft christmas wish list
My family has been asking me what I want for Christmas and I can honestly say that this year, I would love health and happiness for all that are close to me. I know it sounds sappy but it is the truth. I have felt "a change" this past year and am loving every minute of my marriage, my home, my family, my friends and my career. Life IS good. I drive by a church on my way to work each morning and they have a sign outside that says "The Lord is My Shepherd, I have all that I need" ... this brings me a bit of inner peace every day.
But because I am forced (twist my rubber arm) into name drawing, holiday planning, christmas party inviting, etc. - I have prepared a brief list just in case!
But because I am forced (twist my rubber arm) into name drawing, holiday planning, christmas party inviting, etc. - I have prepared a brief list just in case!
Because I am a dreamer ... an iPad is numero uno on my wish list this year (and probably was last year). I am head over heals in LOVE with my iPhone and can't even imagine what kind of time wasting trouble I could get in to with one of these bad boys. Chad and I are getting a mac sometime next year so this will wait but one day - you will be mine! Count on it!
I have hard AMAZING things about this show so I would love the season DVDs so that Chad and I have a new series to follow. I would also love all the past episodes of Gilmore Girls too - that would be a delight!
Almost out of my bottle of RALPH and need to move on to something new. This smells DIVINE and my fingers are crossed that my amazing hubby comes through on Christmas Day :)
I don't need THESE track pants but I do need some new soccer gear including track pants, shin pads and boots.
I want to build my collection of Christmas movies and we already have Santa Clause 3 so I need 1 and 2 but I had to post number 2 because it is the funniest one. Those reindeer slay me ... get it? Ha ha! I also want It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street and the list goes on but this is a must to add to our shelves this holiday season!
What are you wishing for?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I'm listening to this audiobook to get me into the holiday spirit. It isn't really working unfortunately but the background music sure is!
I watched this adorable movie with our dog on her birthday. Ha ha - I thought she would like the animal theme. She got bored and went to lie down in bed but I enjoyed it. These little critters crack me up.
Just finished listening to this audiobook and I loved it. Barbara's history is a really interesting story. Anyone who enjoys memoirs like I do should check this out!
If you are following this blog you know that I LOVE the Heart of the City comic strip. This one cracked me up because it made me think of both my mom and my boss at the same time!
Two of my favourite girls - my little cousins Abbey and Ainsley in their soccer informs! My heart melts. The only issue is that Ainsley HATES soccer with a passion. Oh well - you win some, you lose some!
Here are my favourite girls again as Hermione (I'm thinking) and a kitty cat. Or maybe Ainsley is Abbey's cat from Harry Potter? Whatever - they are both Halloween sweethearts in my eyes! xo
Monday, November 7, 2011
Just finished listening to this audiobook. So simple and predictable but it was like a hot cup of tea on a cold fall day - it just made me feel cozy listening to it on the way to work.
My niece Sidney and her twin bro Chance enjoying the pumpkin patch. These kids are too adorable not too share and they have huge personalities to go along with their cuteness too. Love them!
I don't remember where I got this photo from so I apologize for not giving credit but seriously - if you are ever having a bad day just look at this and I know you will be smiling and enjoying life once again!
Hope you all are having a wonderful start to your week!
life musings,
reading room,
Friday, November 4, 2011
i feel you heart
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
right now
Keeping close to home today. Sick again with a cold and ear infection. Hopefully I will be better for this year's holiday season if I get all the sickies out of the way now!
Snacking on left-over Halloween mini chocolate bars. Each cold and flu seems to come with a different food craving and this one definitely wants to be fed sweet things. Weird.
Sipping on Mountain Dew. I believe in fluids, fluids and more fluids when I'm sick but right now this is the closest thing we have in the house to Ginger Ale.
Remembering all of the things I have to do at work but that just makes me even more tired and I just want to crawl back in to bed.
Hoping that I feel 100% better tomorrow.
Wishing that I was feeling 100% better right now.
Waiting for this stupid cold to go away! :)
Hating that it hurts to even type this.
Looking forward to the weekend but more importantly to the next few long weekends and Christmas holidays.
Admiring all of the successful events I have organized over the last little while.
Searching for Christmas gifts. I feel like I am already behind!
Pretending we have the money to buy gifts for everyone under the sun.
Taking a break from life today. And maybe tomorrow.
Reading The Girl Who Played with Fire.
Listening to new episodes of Sarah's House on HGTV. Man she is a snob but I do enjoy it. Twisted - I know.
Grateful for my career, home, family, Lexxus, friends and always ... and most of all ... Chad.
Thanks for the template and inspiration Narrating Life! LOVE your blog!
Monday, October 31, 2011
LOVE this
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." ~ Albert Ellis
Friday, October 28, 2011
anytime i'm upset ...
I'm just going to look at this photo because when I randomly came across it on my Google Reader I literally laughed out loud. Adorable and hilarious!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
This weekend is going to be a whirl-wind of activity and craziness. Tomorrow is my major awards event for work so that will keep me busy all day long setting up, getting ready and getting through the evening! Love the planning but sure do love the day after a successful event the most of all :)
Sunday I have a 10 am soccer game and then going to go to Burnaby to visit my Grandma and Aunt Janice who is here from California. Love all the activity but am really needing to schedule in some down time soon. I have another event next Wednesday, one on the 2nd and then our local Municipal All Candidates meetings to get through and then it is time to focus on our new database/website at work. Lots coming down the pipe to keep me busy until the New Year - that is for sure!
Just finished listening to this audiobook and I LOVED IT! Such an easy listen and I love getting into the holiday spirit early but this wasn't really about Christmas. It was about being a good human being, hard work and gratitude. I got to know both of the families in the story really well throughout the chapters and at the end, I just didn't want it to end ... I wanted to go and spend my Christmas with them!
Who doesn't love a little Bradly Cooper in their life? Picked this up at the library last week and although it wasn't the best movie I have seen lately, it definitely held my attention (and kept me awake). What if there was a pill that you could take that would allow you to use 100% of your brain function? Watch this movie and you will find out! Honestly though - I don't think this movie is out of touch with reality. I truly think this already exists and would explain a lot about certain public figures in today's society.
And last but not least - just finished this audiobook too. I don't recommend it at all but every girl needs a little bit of predictable chick lit every now and then ;)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
chills, belief and truth
“You simply will not be the same person two months from now
after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your
life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you
have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
feeling good
Not feeling great but so feeling better than I have been! I have been sick, tired, depressed, anxious and overwhelmed for a while now and it finally kicked my butt on Monday and Tuesday. Was back in to work yesterday and today we have an event which always gets my heart pumping. What can I say? I was born to plan! :)
Just finished reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" last night and can't wait to start the second book tonight. Everyone says this book starts out slow but it is a really good read with lots of twists and turns ... once you figure out who's who, it gets good so don't stop - keep reading! Looking forward to the movie coming out. I saw a preview and am not too impressed with the actor selections but will have to wait and see what they do on the big screen.
Found this on Pinterest the other day and I apologize for not noting who it is from but it had to be shared. So, SO true! As always I am thankful and grateful for (in no particular order) - my Chuddy, my friends, my family (especially having three grandmothers alive and well between Chad and I), my job/career, my overall health, Lexxus and our home.
I picked up a bunch of older DVDs at the library that Chad and I have been motoring through (like Chaos Theory, Get Smart, etc. - a lot of dumb ones that make me smile) but Source Code finally was available for me to pick up. Oh Jake - how I love thee but how I did not love this movie. It was okay but I am usually pretty clever when it comes to these things ... was it three layers of reality working when you really thought it was two? If that is the answer - don't tell me because it won't make me like the movie any more or any less. It had Jake in it so I am okay with that :)
I had to miss soccer practice last night because I just didn't have the energy but today the sun is shining and I am craving some exercise. Will have to wait though - gotta get back to the grind and get ready for our event. Just another day in paradise and living the dream :)
Just finished reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" last night and can't wait to start the second book tonight. Everyone says this book starts out slow but it is a really good read with lots of twists and turns ... once you figure out who's who, it gets good so don't stop - keep reading! Looking forward to the movie coming out. I saw a preview and am not too impressed with the actor selections but will have to wait and see what they do on the big screen.
Found this on Pinterest the other day and I apologize for not noting who it is from but it had to be shared. So, SO true! As always I am thankful and grateful for (in no particular order) - my Chuddy, my friends, my family (especially having three grandmothers alive and well between Chad and I), my job/career, my overall health, Lexxus and our home.
I had to miss soccer practice last night because I just didn't have the energy but today the sun is shining and I am craving some exercise. Will have to wait though - gotta get back to the grind and get ready for our event. Just another day in paradise and living the dream :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins." ~ Bob Moawad
Monday, October 10, 2011
just finished
I read 'A Stolen Life' by Jaycee Dugard in just two days. It wasn't the most well written book - written almost in journal form with reflections from her life now after each chapter. I don't have much to say about this book other than - WOW - what a story and the fact that she has come out of it with her head and heart in the right place and moving forward with her life is incredible. She is a true angel and inspiration and I hope she continues putting one foot in front of the other into her bright and peaceful future.

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, October 6, 2011
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