September Goals:
- Drink more H2O.
- Take more photos.
- Get front window on our house fixed.
- Get our furnace inspected (bought the Groupon so now just have to call and get an appointment set up).
- Work on truly not caring what anyone else things and not needing validation. I am good enough and I need to know it!
Updated August Goals:
Continue going to my Monday night appointments. (More on this in a future post.)- I have only missed one of these since I started. To say that I love going and that I am proud of myself are both understatements :)
Finish a jewelry project I have been working on for a friend's birthday.- Done, presented and loved :)
- Save enough money to replace our front window.
- This will be done by the end of September!
- Start and finish reading the book 'Boundaries'.
- Finding this very challenging and amazing at the same time. I actually get really
Visit my Grandma at least twice.- Done and done. Love, love, LOVE!
- Start working on Legare's MOH speech.
- August: Have not started but do have it on my list and have some very fun ideas for a starting point.
- September: Starting working on a little something, something extra for my main girl. Excited about it!
- Create summer photo albums as gifts for two very special people in my life.
- August: Have purchased supplies but have not physically started working on this project. I feel okay about this as these are Christmas gifts so I have time.
- September: Have purchased more supplies and printed off some photos. Can't wait to jump into this a bit more over the fall!
Brainstorm for an on-going creative project.- August: Haven't figured out an 'on-going' project but have been working on a few different things here and there so I feel really good about that. Lots of ideas floating through my head - now it is just time to start executing those ideas!
- September: I think it is fair to cross this one off the old list. With three scrapbook and a few jewelry projects on the go, I am feeling quite creative at the moment!
Book some time off to work around the house.- August: I just talked to the girls in the office about booking the last week of August off. A week of doing a lot of nothing here I come.
- September: DONE! I still need to paint the fence but Chad and I had all of last week off of work. It was a bit of a disaster but this goal can still be marked as complete!
- Eat more slowly, say grace and think before eating.
- September: I have zero clue as to why but this is such a challenge for me!
Brainstorm more ways to use my organizational skills for a possible career choice.- September: I'm going to take this one off the list because I am very confident that I am going to stay where I am until we have a child. More on that later (and nope - not knocked up yet!)
Work on a craft project per week.- September: I am so on it!
- Get my recipe project in order and start cooking them!
- September: Must work on this for the fall.