Friday, April 18, 2014

1st time mom review series guest // becoming a mom to baby #2

Please welcome the 1st Time Mom Review Series first interview guest, Christie Winfield. Christie and I have known each other since grade 3 (insane!!!) and have kept in touch over the years even though we now live in different provinces. Christie is already mom to 18 month old Tristan but baby #2 is on his/her way so I've asked Christie to share her thoughts on becoming a 2nd time mom.

Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a 34 year old mother of an 18 month boy and wife of a wonderful man going on 10 years living in Calgary. I am a nurse working part time in an acute mental health unit. I am a lover of nature and the outdoors with hobbies that include golf, soccer, snowboarding and camping, although I have found little time to participate in these hobbies other than camping since my son was born.  
Describe how it felt to become a first time mom.
Becoming a mother for the first time was truly a dream come true. I was amazed, shocked, scared and truly in love. There is really nothing that can prepare you for the feelings that flood you when you see and hold your child for the fist time and then come to the realization that this tiny person depends on you to nurture and love them. Terrifying and thrilling all at the same time.

When are you due with baby #2?
My second child is due September 20th, 2014 which is actually 2 days before my son's second birthday. Too funny. My only wish is that they are at least a week apart in birthdays so they don't have to share.

Is there anything you are doing differently with this pregnancy than your first?
To be honest, I really have not changed anything I'm doing with this pregnancy from the first time I was pregnant. I am very fortunate to say that I had a very easy pregnancy the first time around and things have for the most part been the same, so far, this time also. The only thing I am doing differently is I am trying to do different is enrolling into prenatal programs such as prenatal yoga classes. I could use the relaxation and exercise but I think it would be nice to meet other pregnant woman, hopefully who also have young children Tristan's age.

Is there anything different you plan on doing with your second labour and delivery than your first?
I had no expectations with my first delivery. I have seen a few deliveries from nursing school and am well educated in the whole prenatal, delivery and postpartum processes so I was a little bit more at ease with what to expect, other than actually experiencing labour. I just wanted to go with the flow the first time and take each hurdle as it was presented. The first delivery was about 10 hours and I eventually opted for an epidural which was the smart move since my son was born with the help of forceps. I will again, go in with no plan and make my decisions as needed. The only difference this time, hopefully, will be the hospital. There is a new hospital that is much closer to me. The bonus of this hospital is that your delivery and postpartum will be entirely in the same room and they are all private rooms. This is soooo appealing to me and many other people in the city which is why they are turning many people away from their maternity clinics due to having too many patients. Of course they can't turn you away if you show up in labour, ha ha. 

What are you most excited about in regards to having baby #2?
I am most excited about having a baby to hold and cuddle with. Tristan is past the cuddly phase and wants to be so independent so it will be nice to get tons of cuddles again. I also am looking forward to this new little more so because there is that confidence now that I didn't have the first time around. We know what to do this time and I really don't think it will be as stressful as it was at some points with Tristan. I just wonder, as many mothers may, is if I can love another little one as much as I love the first and will I be able to share my love equally between the two kids. 

What is the #1 baby product(s) you must have for baby #2?
I am obsessing about strollers and which one to get. If only I would have bought a double stroller from the beginning, I wouldn't be wasting my money on a second one. Especially since all the really great double strollers that I am interested in (3 wheel for trail walks and jogging) are a HUGE amount of money. Also a better baby monitor. My monitor was a cheaper one and the range really isn't that great, especially when camping and I would like to have one with a camera. I have some friends with a camera monitor and it is so much better. Other than those two things, I'm pretty much good to go. 

Anything you would like to add?
I can't think of anything else to add. I hope this is helpful.
Baby #1 Tristan, Daddy Dana and Rockstar Mom Christie.
Interested in being a 1st Time Mom Review Series interview guest? Leave me a comment with your contact details. Cheers!
Are you a 1st Time Mom and trying to figure it out as you go along too? Feel free to leave me a comment with any questions and I will be more than happy to get back to you. Thanks for reading!

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