Monday, June 4, 2012

you win some and you lose some

Horrible Movie - It was a new release at the library so I put my name in for it and we watched it last night. I think it would have made a much better novel than a movie. I was shocked that we actually watched the whole thing through - I kept hoping that it would end well. It didn't.

Wonderful Book - I love Bethenny Frankel. I think she is the type of woman that you either love or hate - there really isn't any in between with her. I love that she was on Celebrity Apprentice Martha Stewart. I love that she told the other stupid housewives exactly what she thought and that she was on a show about housewives and (at the time) she was single - awesome. I love that she runs an empire (I'm obsessed with successful woman who have multiple levels of their business: Oprah, Tori Spelling, Jessica Simpson, etc.). I love her show with her awesome husband and beautiful baby girl. I LOVE her Skinny Girl Margarita - my go to drink if I don't feel like white wine. And I love her book. It's loosely based on her life but it was such a fun and easy read, I couldn't put it down. She is loud, outspoken, truthful and adorable - and so is her book. LOVE!

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