Monday, December 13, 2010

a new favourite ...

I woke up with what I call an eye migraine which is one of those headaches that hurts so bad that it blurs out half your eye site!? Yep - I am sure you know the ones and they SUCK! I had some toast and advil on the way to work but still felt sick to my stomach when I got to the office and couldn't even look at my computer monitor. Then - to the rescue - I had a cup of Tazo Well-Being Focus Black Tea and I INSTANTLY felt better - headache gone, sore tummy gone, vision back - amazing! My mom won a tea gift pack at our Langley FC Ninjas Soccer Christmas Party on Saturday night and since she is a coffee drinker and not a tea totaler, I got the benefits of her prize :) Thanks mom - you just made my Monday!